Battle 1
Listening and Reading (British)
Part 1

Весь материал взят из учебника Face2Face Elementary
01 T Hello. What’s your name, please?
D My name’s Deniz Aslan.
T I’m Peter Adams. Welcome to the class.
D Thank you.
02 H Hello, my name’s Hassan.
O Hi, I’m Olga.
H Nice to meet you.
O You too.
03 M Hello. Sorry I’m late.
T No problem. What’s your first name?
M It’s Marcos.
T What’s your surname?
M Fuentes.
T How do you spell that?
M F-U-E-N-T-E-S.
T Welcome to the class, Marcos.
M Thank you.
04 C Hello, is this the English class?
T Yes, it is.
C Oh, good. Sorry I’m late!
T No problem. What’s your first name?
C Camille.
T How do you spell that?
C C-A-M-I-double L-E.
T And what’s your surname?
C It’s Laurent.
T And how do you spell that?
C L-A-U-R-E-N-T.
T Thanks, Camille. Welcome to the class.
05 B Hello, sorry I’m late.
T No problem. What’s your name?
B My name’s Bartek.
T How do you spell that, please?
B B-A-R-T-E-K.
T And what’s your surname?
B Kowalski.
T OK. And how do you spell that?
B K-O-W-A-L-S-K-I.
T Thanks. Welcome to the class, Bartek.
B Thank you.
06 L Hello, Tom.
T Hi, Lisa. How are you?
L I’m fine, thanks. And you?
T I’m OK, thanks.
07 P Bianca, this is Toshi.
B Hello, Toshi. Nice to meet you.
T You too.
08 R Good morning. What’s your name, please?
C It’s Carlos Moreno.
R And where are you from?
C I’m from Spain.
09 R What are your names, please?
D My name’s Daniel Ross and this is Kelly Easton.
R Where are you from?
D We’re from Australia.
R Welcome to the conference. You’re in room 6.
10 E Where’s he from?
D He’s from Italy.
E OK. And where’s she from?
D She’s from Brazil.
E Right. And where are they from?
D They’re from the UK, I think.
11 A What’s your phone number?
B Er ... wait a minute ... it’s 01221 960744.
A 01221 960744?
B Yes, that’s right.
12 A What’s Tina’s mobile number?
B It’s 07906 394896.
A 07906 ... er ...
B 394896.
13 A What’s the phone number of your hotel?
B It’s 0119 498 0691. I’m in room 302.
A OK, thanks.
14 A What’s your number in Australia?
B It’s 0061 02 9967 2315.
A So that’s 0061 ... 02 ...
B ... 9967 2315.
A OK. Thanks.
15 A Are you from New York?
B No, we aren’t from the USA. We’re from Canada.
A Oh, really? What do you do?
B I’m an engineer and Jane’s a doctor.